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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What is the most important thing in your life? What is the one thing that you just can't live without? What makes you the happiest you've ever been and can cause the most sorrow?

My Family.

To me my family is everything. I can't live without my husband's love. My brothers and sisters bring joy to my life and I would never be more sad than at the loss of a beloved family member.

We are all born into families. Some families are better than others, but that shouldn't stop us. The best part is that we can creat families and create a new family life for ourselves. We don't have to be stuck in a rut if the family life odds didn't fall in our favor.  There is a chance for everyone to have a meaningful family, whether it's by blood or adoption or friends that are dear to you. Whether it is in this life or the next, we can all have a family.

That is the goal of our existance. That is my goal.
My husband and I were married on April 16, 2011. Together we have started to build a family that is based on the things that we think are important. Love, respect, God, and many other things have an important place in our family plans. As we bring children into our famly we want to be able to teach them what is right, how important family is, and how important God is.

This semester I will be learning more about the family in a university course that I will be taking for my major. I hope to share my insights with you here and maybe help you learn as well. I hope that everyone who reads this bolg will learn something new or think of something in a new way that they have never thought of before. Whatever the outcome of reading this, I hope it's possitive and adds some light to your life.

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